Jahreslosung 2013

Jahreslosung 2013
Wir haben hier keine bleibende Stadt, sondern die zukünftige suchen wir. (Hebräer 13, 14)

Dienstag, 27. August 2013

Thoughts on separation from the world

The seventh proof for genuine and true faith is the separation from the world.

In Wiktionary we find defined for separation: Is the intent or the result of the decision, to stay away from something or someone. (http://de.wiktionary.org/wiki/Absonderung)

Thus it follows that a true believer has made ​​the decision for themselves, to stay away from worldly things. That would mean, that the true believer no longer wants to possess, this luxury items touted from the world and according to advertising as essential for perfectly in this world live. A believer who is led by the Holy Spirit, has realized that all these luxuries is completely useless to attain, true happiness and peace of God.

This is a reason why the Apostle Paul writes in 1.Corinthians 2, 12: "We have not received the spirit of the world but the Spirit who is from God, that we may understand what God has freely given us."

This sentence confirms that a true believer, this is someone who has received the Holy Spirit, themselves without compulsion and of pure love for Jesus Christ, will abide the commandments and the statutes of God. That will be his entire efforts and he will no longer align his whole strength and his thoughts, how he can finance an even bigger house, a more luxurious car, even more travel, more expensive watches, etc.

Before this warns us the Apostle John in 1.John 2.15-17 very clearly with the words: "Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For everything in the world—the cravings of sinful man, the lust of his eyes and the boasting of what he has and does—comes not from the Father but from the world. The world and its desires pass away, but the man who does the will of God lives forever."

Considering this more than clear words I cannot understand, why so many purported Christians himself permanently refuse to do the will of God! Is it possible, that false doctrine over centuries has made ​​people blind and deaf?

The will of God, are his commandments and his statutes, which he hath given unto Moses. His will has never changed, because he applies forever. Even Jesus Christ obeyed his father's will, and made clear more than once, that he would save only those who believe in him, and do his will.

The result is automatically, that the Torah (five books of Moses) have eternal validity. Therefore keep true believer the Sabbath and the feasts of God and not those from humans established Sunday and the festivals which people have invented! The Sunday and the festivals of the people are from this world, but the Shabbat, the feasts of the Lord and the Torah are from God!

That is why the Apostle John wrote in 1.John 5, 5: "Who is it that overcomes the world? Only he who believes that Jesus is the Son of God."

I beg you, to ask you these question; why the world do not hate you. Examine yourself at the Word of God (the bible), and also check everything what you hear or read about these things. But let you just help from the Holy Spirit! Read the Bible and ask God in prayer for help. This will bring you much closer to your salvation, than any Christian teaching from human made.

May God bless you and bring you on the right path! Shalom

Why do you boast of evil, you mighty man? Why do you boast all day long, you who are a disgrace in the eyes of God? Your tongue plots destruction; it is like a sharpened razor, you who practice deceit. You love evil rather than good, falsehood rather than speaking the truth. Selah. You love every harmful word, O you deceitful tongue! Surely God will bring you down to everlasting ruin: He will snatch you up and tear you from your tent; he will uproot you from the land of the living. Selah. The righteous will see and fear; they will laugh at him, saying, here now is the man who did not make God his stronghold but trusted in his great wealth and grew strong by destroying others!” But I am like an olive tree flourishing in the house of God; I trust in God’s unfailing love for ever and ever. I will praise you forever for what you have done; in your name I will hope, for your name is good. I will praise you in the presence of your saints.  Amen
(Psalm 52)

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