Jahreslosung 2013

Jahreslosung 2013
Wir haben hier keine bleibende Stadt, sondern die zukünftige suchen wir. (Hebräer 13, 14)

Montag, 2. September 2013

Thoughts about obedient life

The ninth and final proof of my series about real and true faith is obedient life.

God wants from His true believers absolute obedience. So everyone who was accepted by God, will result an obedient life. Not in order to meet the law, but out of gratitude and yes, because the Holy Spirit is in every true believer, these cannot be disobedient.

What is an obedient life? In Wikipedia we find the following definition of obedience: "Obedience is principally, to obey the commandments or prohibitions of by appropriate actions or omissions. The word is derived (similar as obedience) from heard, listening, hearken, and can range, from a purely external act, to an inner attitude.
Obedience means subordination to the will of an authority, obeying a command, the fulfilment of a claim, or abstention doing something forbidden. This authority is usually a person or a community, but can also be a compelling idea, a God or their own conscience. One can distinguish between voluntary and forced obedience." (https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gehorsam)

This definition shows us, that there are also absolutely, a voluntary obedience. What in this statement is referred as their own conscience, is in a true believer the Holy Spirit, which was sent to him by Jesus Christ. Because the Holy Spirit does nothing from themselves, but through Jesus Christ, a true believer will not be disobedient.

Jesus Christ himself has told us in Matthew 7, 21: "Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven."

These words tell us clearly that it is not enough to confess Jesus Christ, but then continue the old, familiar life in sin and disobedience to live. Our Lord commanded, that everyone who follows him, obeys the will of God. What the eternal and immutable will of God is, we find in the Torah (Old Testament).

The Torah is it that Jesus was teaching all, and referred as his gospel. Jesus Christ has not changed the Torah, he had removed only, what the Pharisees and scribes (humans) have added to the Torah.

Clearly and unequivocally declares Jesus Christ in John 15, 14: "You are my friends if you do what I command."

However due to the knowledge of these words of our Lord, I am very surprised, that so many people today prefer obedience to churches and false prophets, than to the Word of God!
I personally think that why so many people go the broad way of the crowd, because they know the will of God too little. It is more convenient believing the words of new Pharisees and scribes, instead of themselves of intensive research in the Bible to dedicate. Then there is this thinking that there always have been the Sunday, Christmas, Easter, etc., was, what were adhered by the Christians.

But that this is not true. The first Christians in reality kept the Sabbath and the feasts of the Lord, what you can read in the Bible. Which in turn leads me to the question: "How read people today in the Word of God?"

The Apostle Paul writes in his letter, Romans 16, 26: "but now revealed and made known through the prophetic writings by the command of the eternal God, so that all nations might believe and obey him"

Yet today exactly these writings and the words of Jesus Christ, from very many people will be ignored. Most modern people already into security, when they visit a church on Sundays, and at times to donate something. But this is a false security, just as the Bible teaches us and Jesus Christ.
The Apostle John is often referred to than the disciple whom Jesus loved. It is this John who writes very clearly in the 1.John 2:3-5: "We know that we have come to know him if we obey his commands. The man who says, “I know him,” but does not do what he commands is a liar, and the truth is not in him. But if anyone obeys his word, God’s love is truly made complete in him. This is how we know we are in him:"

More clearly you simply cannot be warned! So now I pray that as many people finally wake up and realize the true will of God and His Son Jesus Christ, and be saved!
No church, no pope, and yes no human can save us! It is solely the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ that can save us!

Close your eyes and walk in the Spirit to Calvary. Look at the cross of Jesus! Look at you this bruised, bleeding body and look into this tormented face. Then remember, that Jesus Christ took these torments for us people voluntarily and then ask yourself, why you're not volunteered to be him obedient, the Lord, which hallowed the Sabbath and lived the Torah.

Your statutes are wonderful; therefore I obey them. The unfolding of your words gives light; it gives understanding to the simple. I open my mouth and pant, longing for your commands. Turn to me and have mercy on me, as you always do to those who love your name. Direct my footsteps according to your word; let no sin rule over me. Redeem me from the oppression of men, that I may obey your precepts. Make your face shine upon your servant and teach me your decrees. Streams of tears flow from my eyes, for your law is not obeyed. Righteous are you, O Lord, and your laws are right. The statutes you have laid down are righteous; they are fully trustworthy. My zeal wears me out, for my enemies ignore your words. Your promises have been thoroughly tested, and your servant loves them. Though I am lowly and despised, I do not forget your precepts. Your righteousness is everlasting and your law is true. Trouble and distress have come upon me, but your commands are my delight. Your statutes are forever right; give me understanding that I may live. Amen  (Psalm 119,129-144)

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